Monday, December 23, 2013

Indian Council of Social Science Research - ICSSR Logo emblem design

Indian Council of Social Science Research - ICSSR Logo emblem design for academicians and Universities. The ICSSR logo found on the website is embossed and is in low resolution. As a result, it has become very difficult for academicians and Universities that want to print the logo on their funded seminar materials. I have therefore made an attempt to design the logo in a high resolution PNG format. This can be imported into image editors and redesigned. You can directly paste them into word processors  and start using.

Indian Council of Social Science Research ICSSR Logo emblem design by gagan
Indian Council of Social Science Research ICSSR Logo emblem design

1 comment:

  1. Thank You.

    Mr. Gagan for your support!!!

    Rajesh K Satpathy,
    Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
